Petfood Forum Asia 2016, scheduled for March 30 in Bangkok, Thailand, will feature eight experts presenting the latest research and insights on pet food safety, ingredients and production, pet nutrition and the pet food market. The opening session will be delivered by Frank Yiannas, vice president of food safety for Walmart, who will explain why pet food companies need to develop and maintain a food safety culture.
In other sessions, Mariko Takemura, an analyst from Euronitor International will provide an update on the global and Asian pet food markets, while Kadri Koppel, PhD, assistant professor for Kansas State University’s Department of Human Nutrition will share research on what Thai dog owners look for in the appearance of dry dog food, compared with consumers in other parts of the world.
Sessions on pet nutrition include the relevance of changes in gut microbes for pet health, by Emma Bermingham, PhD, senior scientist with AgResearch Ltd., and optimum vitamin nutrition for dogs and cats, by Jeff Alix, global pet nutrition marketing manager for DSM Nutritional Products. Andrew Mallison, general director of IFFO Ltd., will address fish-based pet food ingredients; Kathleen May, development and technical project manager for Diana Pet Food, will cover the link between palatability and pet food safety (shelf-life stability); and Galen Rokey, director of process technology for Wenger Manufacturing’s companion animal division, will explain how to automate critical pet food production tasks.
Petfood Forum Asia 2016 will again be co-located with Victam/FIAAP/GRAPAS Asia at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre. Early bird registration for the conference is now available at www.petfoodforumevents.com.