Health Extension updated original pet food’s package

Health Extension’s new look features bright color schemes and pets in outdoor scenes.

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Health Extension Pet Care's old grain-free dog food packaging is on the left, and the new design is on the right. | Courtesy Health Extension Pet Care.
Health Extension Pet Care's old grain-free dog food packaging is on the left, and the new design is on the right. | Courtesy Health Extension Pet Care.

Following the packaging updates recently made to their grain-free cat and dog food lines and line of dog treats, Holistic Health Extension Pet Care has introduced new packaging for their original pet food line.

Health Extension’s new look compliments the recent updates made to their grain-free line by featuring bright color schemes and pets in outdoor scenes. The warm accents and attractive fonts are intended to convey Health Extension’s image and philosophy.

Grain-free pet food packaging redesign

Redesigned pet food packaging and rebranded products helped Health Extension Pet Care increase sales and expand the territory of their grain-free cat and dog food line, Brad Gruber, president and COO of Health Extension, told Petfood Industry.

Last year, Health Extension recently had launched its grain-free Allergix line when Petfood Industry profiled the company. That line now has been completely overhauled and is marketed as Health Extension Grain-Free.

The pet food rebranding efforts worked, and the revamped dog and cat food line has been well received, according to Gruber.

Rebranding and reformulating to sell more dog and cat food

While they were overhauling Allergix, Health Extension also rebranded their other grain-free formulas into that same line and tweaked the ingredients, for example adding coconut oil. Several new recipes of cat and dog foods were introduced into that single grain-free line, as well.

“The reaction from our retailers and our end users has just been magnificent,” said Gruber. “They’ve embraced this better than we could have ever expected.”

Health Extension’s grain-free dog and cat food packaging now features a pastoral scene of a sunny field with a superimposed image of a dog or cat, compared to the solid background of the older version. The bags are flat-bottomed, which allows their bottom flap to be more visible and identifiable, said Gruber.

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