Statement released on the restoration of ACIS Public Search Tool

President and CEO Mike Bober releases statement on the USDA-APHIS Restoration of ACIS Public Search Tool.

“The Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council praises the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) for reposting the Animal Care Information System (ACIS) public search tool that was taken down in 2017 and the pet breeder inspection reports that have been generated since then. This is a positive move towards restoring transparency that will allow the regulated individuals and facilities to demonstrate that they are responsible and accountable animal caretakers.

We are concerned, however, that the database was restored in a way that offers no protection for the privacy of individual breeders, who are often home-based and have been the victims of intimidation and even violence by animal rights extremists. We also urge the USDA to use caution and provide context as it moves to post other records and reports, as these will likely lead to opportunities for misunderstanding and, unfortunately, misrepresentation.”

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