First One opens up new plant in Italy

Innovative tech increases the processing and marketing of high-quality pet food.

First One, a company from Milan referred to as Agrifarma and owner of Arcaplanet, has opened a new plant for pet food production. The purpose of the new facility is to increase the processing and marketing of high-quality food for pets, using innovative machinery and technologies conform to Industry 4.0. The  high-tech production foresees an innovative and careful design, including a purification plant as well as a filtration system for the emissions connected to the production process and barrier systems that stop the dust and remove any smells.

 Aeris, a company located in Bergamo, known for its filtration and removal of pollutants generated by production processes  and the air treatment of big industrial spaces was chosen for its technology.

Among the company's strong advantages is the creation of customized systems, which allows Aeris to work in synergy with the main engineering contractors who, in this case, were responsible for the design of the new “First One” production plant. There is a maximum capacity of 61,000 tons per year of dry products covering a total area of 34,008 m2, of which 8,331 are covered.

The Aeris system: dust removal with filtration and wet scrubber

The Aeris proposal for the new production site consists of a pre-treatment system for the air coming from the new PET production line before final filtration, carried out with electrostatic filters.

The dust and VOCs sucked into the different points of the production plant are conveyed into two separate filtration systems. The first element of the pollutants reduction circuit is the dry filtration system, placed to protect the air-water and air-air heat recovery systems used for the energy efficiency of the complete production line.

It works with pressostatic control, monitoring the filter cleanliness level and clogged filter media alarm. Executed with filter bags made of calendered PES, where the conveyed dust is deposited, the dry pre-scrubber eliminates all polluting dusty particles from the air that can cause damage to human health and the environment.

It is connected to a centrifugal suction vacuum pump and a cyclonic separator equipped with continuous discharge of the collected dust, which eliminates the dry particles with high specific weight and coarse dimensions.

The clean air coming out of the filters is then sent to the wet abatement section. The horizontal washer--consisting of an air-water mixing chamber–provides the final abatement of the residual micro-dust and the elimination of the VOCs present in the aeraulic flow.

The horizontal scrubber, equipped with a water recirculation tank, has Redox and PH control with the relative dosing pumps of passivating products, the reintegration water loading and the automatic draining of the tank. The treatment ends in the final electrostatic elements responsible for eliminating the olfactory components of the pollutants.

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