Strong pet food sales, continued humanization trends, and rising interest from pet owners in non-medical pet services all aligned in 2014 to produce a Canadian pet market with its highest growth in the past five years. A sluggish veterinary services category stood in stark contrast, with its continued decline in visits by pet owners. Continued uptake of premium and superpremium products of non-medical pet services will drive sales in the Canadian pet market to $9.2 billion by 2019.
With a primary focus on products for dogs and cats, but also extending to other types of small companion animals, the “2015 edition Canadian Pet Market Outlook” report examines the market from every angle. The report includes a historical (2009-14) and forecasted (2015-19) analysis of all pet product and service sales, as well as a breakout of the pet food, pet products, veterinary services, and non-medical pet services categories. Featuring exclusive Packaged Facts pet owner survey data, the report also analyzes key trends affecting the marketplace, trends driving growth, and consumer demographics.
“Canadian Pet Market Outlook” provides and recommendations regarding the future of the pet market in Canada, contrasts drivers and sales in the Canadian and U.S. pet markets, and pinpoints ways current and prospective players can capitalize on current trends and spearhead new ones.