From Petfood Industry:
Over the years, Petfood Industry has reported on how pet food companies give back to society and how consumer consideration of a brand’s charitable efforts has grown. Many pet food companies regularly donate pet food, money, employee time and other resources to pet-related causes. While those charitable deeds may be inspired by empathy, giving back to society also may help business for those pet food companies.
In 2015, Petfood Industry summarized reports on consumer demand for corporate social responsibility. The 2013 Cone Communications Social Impact Study found that 89 percent of US consumers say they’re likely to switch brands to one associated with a cause, if price and quality are comparable. In another report, 2014 Nielsen Doing Well by Doing Good, 55 percent of global respondents said they would pay extra for products and services from companies showing commitment to social and environmental causes.
Consumer interest in philanthropy in 2016
Pet food companies continue to give back to society, and consumer interest in a pet food company’s philanthropic efforts has increased.
The percentage of people who say a brand’s charitable efforts play a significant role in their purchasing decisions has steadily increased since 2014, according to Packaged Facts data presented by Petfood Industry. In 2016, 17 percent of people surveyed said they “strongly agree” with the statement that “the participation by pet product brands in pet welfare and rescue causes and events plays a significant role in which brands I buy,” up from 12 percent in 2014.
Petfood companies continue strong support of pet-related causes