Infographic: 5 nations ranked by Amazon pet product sales

Pet food and feeding supplies made up the largest portion of total sales in the US, as pet food did in all countries.

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Pet products sales on Amazon in the US, Canada, UK, Germany and France were examined by analysts at One Click Retail in “Consumables on Amazon: Q3 2017 Update.” The US remained the largest market in total sales with US$430 million in sales for all pet products. The United Kingdom had the second highest pet product sales on Amazon of the five countries in the report. Germany was third, followed by France and Canada. Learn the details in the infographic below.

1. United States

US sales were up 28 percent over last year, growing at 58 percent. Pet food and feeding supplies made up the largest portion of total pet product sales in the US, as pet food did in all countries.

Amazon’s pet food sales growth increased by 65 percent in the US, making it the fastest growing category within pet products.

2. United Kingdom

UK pet product sales reached GBP40 million (US$52.6 million) for Amazon, an increase of 30 percent year over year. Lintbells YuMove dog joint supplement for older dogs was the top selling item.

3. Germany

In Germany, Amazon’s pet product sales grew 200 percent to EUR35 million (US$40.8 million).

4. France

Pet food was also the fastest growing pet products sub-category in France, with a 78 percent growth rate. Amazon’s total pet sector sales of EUR10 million (US$11.6 million) in France represented a 31 percent change, growing at 51 percent.

5. Canada

At CAD5 million (US$3.94 million), Amazon’s sales in Canada’s pet product sector were the smallest, but did see growth of 149 percent, led by health care items.

Amazon pet product sector sales from October 2016-17

Amazon’s pet product sales beat US$2.2 billion in the 12 months between October 2016 and September 2017, wrote a One Click Retail pet food indistry analyst in the report “Pet Products on Amazon: 2017 Update.” Amazon pet product sales increased 33 percent year over year.

Pet food and feeding supplies made up the largest chunk of those pet product sales at US$970 million. Forty-four percent of all pet products sales were in the pet food market. Pet food also grew the most, year over year, at 47 percent. To put that in perspective, dry dog food alone was larger than any other category within pet products on Amazon.

5 Nations Ranked By Amazon Pet Product Sales Infographic


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