Map of Japanese dog, cat and other pet food companies

Domestic production accounts for more than half of all dog, cat and other pet food sales by volume in Japan. The companies in this map created much of that pet food.

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Some Cat From Japan
(CCF.S |

Domestic production accounts for approximately 56% of all dog, cat and other pet food sales by volume in Japan, and the companies on the map below created much of that pet food. These Japan-based pet food companies appear in Petfood Industry’s Top Pet Food Companies Current Data.

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Pet food sales and imports in Japan

Thailand exported the most pet food to Japan, followed by pet food imports from the United States.  In FY2019, Japan's pet food imports equaled 260,000 metric tons (MT) and represented 44% of total domestic pet food consumption (593,000 MT). Thailand provided Japan with the most pet food, making up 33% of total imports in 2019. The United States is the second-largest exporter of pet food to Japan with 16.4%, followed closely by France with 16%. 

Although the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic caused a 10-15% surge in pet food sales in Japan, that boost may have been temporary, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Global Agriculture Information Network (GAIN). Overall, the Japanese pet food market has been declining in volume by less that 1% year-over-year, as pet owners increasingly choose cats and small dogs. 

Participate in the Top Pet Food Companies survey

The Petfood Industry Top Pet Food Companies project annually surveys pet food companies, always with an aim of expanding the reach and scope of the companies within the rankings. To be considered for inclusion in the yearly rankings, please contact [email protected]. The data is gathered each year through a variety of methods, including direct company contact (a survey is emailed to participating companies), in-depth research and estimates.

Japanese pet food companies annual revenues 2020

Unicharm Corp. 

  • Revenue: US$822,000,000
  • Brands: Grand Deli and Best Balance (dogs); Gin no Spoon and Gin no Spoon Mitsuboshi (cats)     
  • Employees: 16,300

Petline Ltd.

  • Revenue: US$250,000,000
  • Brands: Medycoat, Medyfas, Canet, Professional Balance, JP Style, Carat, Kaiseki 
  • Employees: 105

Inaba Petfood

  • Revenue: US$245,880,000
  • Brands: CIAO, TOROMI, TWINS. L Cup, Maruuo, Wagamama-Neko, Kin no Dashi, Maehama no sakana, Wan, INABA
  • Employees: 48

Maruha Nichiro Corporation

  • Revenue: US$235,000,000
  • Brands: Miaw Miaw, Kin-can, Yaizu-no-Maguro, Jun-can, Kenko-can, Kuro-can, Kingfisher, Dog Mom, Cat Mom        

MG Group

  • Revenue: US$186,900,000
  • Brands: Friend, Minch Special, Plump Soft, Ho Roots, Styles, Revolution, Tai Gong, Petit Ange, Relasoft, Healthy Menu, Bistro Gonta, Nyan, Organico, Zero, Hybrid, Marukan, Nisso, Sunrise, NaturaHa, Pro Style CASA
  • Employees: 400

DoggyMan H.A. Co., Ltd.

  • Revenue: US$184,600,000
  • Brands: DoggyMan, CattyMan, MinianiMan

Nisshin Pet Food Inc.

  • Revenue: US$123,110,000
  • Employees: 63

Nippon Pet Food Co.

  • Revenue: US$105,510,000
  • Brands: Dog food: Vita One, Combo, Beauty Pro, Lacine, Gotouchi Meguri. Cat food: Mio, Combo, Beauty Pro, Lacine. Reptile amphibian food: Angel, Swimmy, Charmy, Queen Chan
  • Employees: 132
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