Mexican pet food companies’ 2022 revenues

Pet ownership trends may be responsible for much of the disparity in growth between dog and cat food sales in Mexico.

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Urbanization has influenced Mexico’s pet food industry much as the phenomenon has shifted pet trends around the world. As more of Mexico’s population moves to cities, pet owners have shifted towards cats and smaller dogs. Euromonitor forecasts wet dog food retail volume growth to increase from 2023 to 2028, although dry dog food and treat retail volume growth may decline. In 2028, dog food sales will still be the largest portion of Mexico’s pet food market. In Mexico, cat food sales growth potential is more pronounced than dog food and even exceeds growth forecasts for most other Latin American nations. While dog food sales may grow at less than 1% CAGR from 2023 to 2028, cat food’s CAGR may reach approximately 11%. Euromonitor forecast that cat treat sales growth will continue into 2028, but dry and wet cat food growth may slow. In 2028, dry cat food retail sales volume may still dwarf that of wet cat food. Nevertheless, growth in wet cat food may boost cat food’s retail sales overall to nearly US$1.2 billion in 2028 from approximately US$600 million in 2022.

Pet ownership trends may be responsible for much of the disparity in growth between dog and cat food sales in Mexico. As pet ownership changes due to urbanization, pet food brands may need to meet the needs of multiple smaller pets living in cities. The Mexico-based companies listed below help feed those pets. These companies appear in Petfood Industry’s Top Company’s database.

Campi Alimentos S.A de C.V.

Annual Revenue


CAMPI, part of Bachoco Industries, the leader in the Mexican poultry industry and one of the ten most prominent producers in the world. Bachoco’s main lines of business are chicken, egg, and balanced feed. CAMPI has been producing pet food for 40 years.

Nutec Group

Annual Revenuex


The Nutec Group, formerly Nueva Tecnología en Alimentación, produces pet food for dogs and cats under the brand Nupec. The Mexican firm also produces feed for piglets, horses, calves, and chicks.

Malta Texo de Mexico (maltaCleyton)

Annual Revenue


Malta Texo de Mexico (maltaCleyton), a subsidiary of ADM, specializes in the manufacture and sale of animal feed and pet food. maltaCleyton foods for dogs and cats, as well as a line of medicines, is sold through self-service stores, wholesalers and distributors.

Industrias Bachoco

Annual Revenue


The Company was founded in 1952 and became a public company in 1997, via a public offering of shares on the Mexican and the New York stock exchanges.

Grupo Nu3

GrandPET is the pet division of Grupo Nu3, an agricultural and food company founded in 1985. The company started with pig farming.

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