RECALL: Four lots of Radagast Frozen Rad Cat Raw Diet

Radagast Pet Food, Inc. of Portland, Oregon has announced a voluntary recall of four lots of frozen Rad Cat Raw Diet products, due to the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella and/or Listeria monocytogenes, according to the Food and Drug Administration.

Radagast Pet Food, Inc. announced a voluntary recall of four lots of frozen Rad Cat Raw Diet products, due to the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella and/or Listeria monocytogenes.
Radagast Pet Food, Inc. announced a voluntary recall of four lots of frozen Rad Cat Raw Diet products, due to the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella and/or Listeria monocytogenes.

Radagast Pet Food, Inc. of Portland, Oregon has announced a voluntary recall of four lots of frozen Rad Cat Raw Diet products, sold in 8oz., 16oz., and 24oz. tubs, and free 1oz sample cups, due to the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella and/or Listeria monocytogenes, according to the US Food and Drug Administration.

An FDA third-party contracted lab found two lots of Grass-Fed Beef tested positive for Listeria monocytogenes, one lot of Free-Range Chicken tested positive for Listeria monocytogenes, and one lot of Free-Range Turkey tested positive for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. As a precautionary measure, Radagast is voluntarily recalling three products produced in these four lots.

All affected lot codes 62384, 62361, 62416, and 62372 and Best By dates are located on the lid of all products packaged in tubs and on the bottom of the sample cups.

The following recalled products were distributed in western Canada and all US states except Hawaii and Mississippi.

 Brand UPC Size  Lot Number  Best By Date 
Rad Cat Raw Diet 851536001241  8oz  62384  2/6/2017 
Grass-Fed Beef 
 Rad Cat Raw Diet  851536001258  16oz  62384  2/6/2017
Grass-Fed Beef
 Rad Cat Raw Diet  851536001265  24oz  62384  2/6/2017
Grass-Fed Beef
 Rad Cat Raw Diet  Sample  1oz  62384  2/6/2017
Grass-Fed Beef
 Rad Cat Raw Diet  851536001241  8oz  62361  1/8/2017
Grass-Fed Beef
 Rad Cat Raw Diet  851536001258  16oz  62361  1/8/2017
Grass-Fed Beef
 Rad Cat Raw Diet  851536001265  24oz  62361  1/8/2017
Grass-Fed Beef
 Rad Cat Raw Diet  Sample  1oz  62361  1/8/2017
Grass-Fed Beef
 Rad Cat Raw Diet  851536001036  8oz  62416  3/14/2017
Free-Range Chicken
 Rad Cat Raw Diet  851536001043  16oz  62416  3/14/2017
Free-Range Chicken
 Rad Cat Raw Diet  851536001050  24oz  62416  3/14/2017
Free-Range Chicken
 Rad Cat Raw Diet  Sample  1oz  62416  3/14/2017
Free-Range Chicken
 Rad Cat Raw Diet  851536001005  8oz  62372  1/21/2017
Free-Range Turkey
 Rad Cat Raw Diet  851536001012  16oz  62372  1/21/2017
Free-Range Turkey
Rad Cat Raw Diet 851536001029 24oz 62372 1/21/2017
Free-Range Turkey
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