The American Feed Industry Association will host a Food Safety Preventive Control Alliance (FSPCA) Preventive Controls for Animal Food training session in Auburn, Alabama from August 16 to 18.
The training material was developed by FSPCA and is the standardized curriculum that the US Food and Drug Administration recognizes as adequate for preventive control qualified individual (PCQI) training. Successfully completing this course is one way to meet the requirements for a PCQI.
The course will cover:
- Overview of the FSMA requirements for animal food
- Current Good Manufacturing Practice requirements
- Animal food safety hazards
- Overview of the food safety plan
- Hazard analysis and preventive controls determination
- Preventive control management components
- Process controls
- Sanitation controls
- Supply-chain applied controls
- Recall plans
Successfully completing this course is one way to meet the requirements for a PCQI. Participants should leave the training with a better understanding of how to create a food safety plan specific for their facility. Participants will be recognized by the FSPCA for completing the course and will receive a certificate.
Another FSPCA course will be held in Ames, Iowa in June, but the course has reached capacity and registration is now closed.