Dry dog food update: Growth from ongoing premiumization

The top dog kibble companies continue to see growth in usage, as does the overall category.

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Dog kibble brands continue to grow, alongside and perhaps in spite of novel ingredient and similar trends.
Dog kibble brands continue to grow, alongside and perhaps in spite of novel ingredient and similar trends.
joshblake I I iStock.com

As reported in Packaged Facts, “Pet Food in the U.S.,” the top dry dog food marketers are Nestlé Purina (drawing 29% of purchasers) and Mars (at 19%). Three marketers form a second tier, by this customer base metric: Post, with its purchase of most of JM Smucker’s pet food brands (10%); General Mills, with Blue Buffalo (10%); and Colgate-Palmolive, with Hill’s Science Diet (8%).

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