FDA delays final rule implementation

The Food and Drug Administration is delaying in the implementation of the final rule for "Substances Prohibited from Use in Animal Food or Feed," also called the 2008 BSE final rule, according to the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine.

The  Food and Drug Administration  is delaying in the implementation of the final rule for "Substances Prohibited from Use in Animal Food or Feed," also called the  2008 BSE final rule , according to the FDA's  Center for Veterinary Medicine .

The decision, which would have gone into effect April 27, 2009, now is delayed 60 days to June 26.

According to the release, the FDA is postponing the implementation because of concern over the ability to comply within the original timeframe.

The FDA is providing seven days for public comment ( submitted to the Federal Register ) on whether to delay the effective date.

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