The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) submitted comments to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding the implementation of the Sanitary Food Transportation Act.
In its comments, AFIA highlighted the Safe Feed/Safe Food (SF/SF) Certification Program’s requirement that certified facilities have signed agreements with suppliers detailing the clean-out and inspection procedures for the transportation of feed and feed ingredients.
“AFIA expressed concern on the ability of feed and ingredient manufacturers to get information on previously hauled loads, especially by independent truckers and rail carriers,” said Keith Epperson, AFIA’s vice president of manufacturing and training. “Many companies own and maintain their own vehicles for transportation of products. This gives the company complete control over the vehicle with regard to feed safety.”
AFIA suggested to FDA that transporters should be required to maintain at least the previous supplier's records and items hauled in the containers, and make this information available to subsequent purchasers of products shipped in the same containers.