Attend free webinar on using water to manage petfood safety, quality

Most petfood products have a “moisture sweet spot” — an ideal range that maximizes quality and profit while keeping the product safe from mold and microbes. Water activity is the best way to find that sweet spot — and monitor to make sure you always produce to that specification.

Register for the free webinar, Using water activity to manage safety and quality, which will be held Wednesday, January 15 at 10 a.m. CT.

Most petfood products have a "moisture sweet spot" - an ideal range that maximizes quality and profit while keeping the product safe from mold and microbes. Water activity is the best way to find that sweet spot - and monitor to make sure you always produce to that specification.

What you'll learn:

  • How to identify a petfood product's "moisture sweet spot"
  • How testing can reveal a product's moisture secrets
  • How to use water activity to maximize safety, quality, and profit in your products

The speaker for this webinar is Brady Carter, a senior research scientist at Decagon since 2004.

This webinar is sponsored by Decagon and presented by WATT Global Media.

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