Pet living expert to speak at Petfood Workshop: Marketing to Today's Consumers

Kristen Levine, pet living expert, author and president of Fetching Communications and, has been selected to speak at the 2014 Petfood Workshop: Marketing to Today's Consumers, on Wednesday, April 2, at the Renaissance Schaumburg in Schaumburg, Ill. During Levine's breakout session, "Putting the BOOM in your Bottom Line: Building loyalty and engagement with the almighty boomer consumer," petfood marketers will learn what's important to boomers and how to target the fastest-growing segment of pet parents.

Kristen Levine, pet living expert, author and president of Fetching Communications and, has been selected to speak at the 2014 Petfood Workshop: Marketing to Today's Consumers, on Wednesday, April 2, at the Renaissance Schaumburg in Schaumburg, Ill. During Levine's breakout session, "Putting the BOOM in your Bottom Line: Building loyalty and engagement with the almighty boomer consumer," petfood marketers will learn what's important to boomers and how to target the fastest-growing segment of pet parents.

"Baby boomers are the largest generational segment the US, controlling $2.5 trillion in spending power," said Levine. "Not only do these affluent empty nesters have time and disposable income to spend on their pets, they are also health-conscious and value diet and nutrition, and these characteristics are shared with their pet's care as well. I'm looking forward to teaching petfood marketers how to engage with this growing consumer segment at this year's workshop."

Immediately following Petfood Forum 2014, Petfood Workshop: Marketing to Today's Consumers will feature industry experts delivering information and insights on how to connect with today's ever more discerning pet owners. The two-day seminar will feature hands-on breakout sessions where attendees can learn about topics such as how pet owners shop, their perspectives on petfood, how to build trust and credibility with them, connecting with them through social media, balancing marketing with science and regulatory requirements, reaching emerging pet owner groups, and much more.

"The baby boomer generation is starting to pick up the pace in terms of pet ownership, and are a fast-growing demographic group that petfood marketers need to start reaching out to in dynamic and unique ways," said Jessica Taylor, managing editor of Petfood Industry. "Our audience would like to find out what's important to these pet owners and the best ways to reach them, so we're excited to have Kristen lead this discussion at this year's Workshop."

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