The Kansas State University Department of Grain Science and Industry and Global Campus will offer the course, “Pet Food Processing,” GRSC 645 ZB, for the fall 2014 semester. Taught by a team of experts in the industry and academia, the course will offer a strong emphasis on practical, real-world examples from the trade, according to the school.
Guest lecturers for the course include Department of Grain Science and Industry faculty Greg Aldrich, Sajid Alavi, Cassie Jones, Charles Stark, Bhadriraju Subramanyam and Fred Fairchild. Guest lecturers from industry include Brian Plattner, Wenger Manufacturing; Craig Cowley, Hills Pet Nutrition; Brian Strouts, American Institute of Baking; and Brian Hale, Bemis Packaging.
The course will be of interest to those working in the petfood industry and petfood sales as well as petfood nutrition, packaging and processing.
The course will be an overview of the petfood industry and the processes involved with the production of food for companion animals. Course subjects will range from industry statistics and segmentation to raw material identification, handling and processing. The science and technology behind petfood extrusion, baking, canning and injection molding will be discussed, along with an overview of petfood manufacturing plant design, packaging of petfood, regulations governing petfood production, petfood business management and animal evaluation techniques, project management and formulation.
“Pet Food Processing” is offered for three credit hours from Kansas State University.