Jackson Galaxy: how petfood companies can help needy pets

Jackson Galaxy, Petfood Forum 2015 keynote speaker, encourages petfood companies and their employees to become involved in helping homeless pets.

Jackson Galaxy, star of My Cat From Hell and keynote speaker for Petfood Forum 2015, believes that, in addition to donating petfood and money to organizations that care for and support homeless pets, petfood companies can encourage their employees to volunteer for such groups or foster homeless pets.

“I think what the workers can do on a personal level is what everybody should be doing—which is volunteer, foster,” Galaxy said. “You know, make the job easier on the people [who work at shelters] and the animals. And also, it connects you in a way that doing other things may not. Whatever it is that you can do. If your heart can’t stand going into an animal shelter, I get it. And if that means just opening your wallet and spreading the word, God bless you for doing that.

“That said, if you can, you do exactly what I’m asking everybody to do, which is to take one step over your personal challenge line,” he continued. “I talk about the challenge line a lot with cats on my show, and if you have a challenge line, you take one step over what you might be comfortable with. For instance, if every day, you leave to go for work and you see that same cat under a car down the street, and every day, you put down a little bit of food for that cat, what’s that next step?”

Galaxy, who will present his Petfood Forum keynote on Tuesday, April 28, gave examples such as finding out how to trap, neuter and return the cat to the neighborhood or making neighbors aware of stray cats in the neighborhood so all could decide how to best help the cats. He also stressed the need for fostering homeless pets. “Man, we need foster parents like you wouldn’t believe.”

Later in the morning of April 28, after Galaxy speaks, Petfood Forum participants can enjoy a visit with pets from two Kansas City area humane organizations: Great Plains SPCA, part of the Hill's Food, Shelter & Love program, and the Kansas City Pet Project, whose innovative work helping homeless pets was lauded by Galaxy. The groups’ visit is sponsored by Trouw Nutrition USA.

For more information or to register for Pefood Forum, visit PetfoodForumEvents.com.



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