Representatives from Petfood Industry magazine have announced that, due to high demand, another Petfood Innovation Workshop: Next Generation Treats event featuring an increased emphasis on providing a hands-on experience will be held this fall on October 28-30, 2015, in collaboration with Kansas State University’s “Pet Food Experience.” The Pet Food Experience is hosted by the Kansas State Pet Food Program Team on the university’s main campus in Manhattan, Kansas, USA, and utilizes facilities within the community.
The multi-day event is a joint industry-academic venture to promote research, innovation and talent development focused on pet food and pet treat manufacturing. At these two cooperative events attendees can expect two days of academic research presentations combined with the hands-on creation of new types of pet treats in the workshop sessions, several networking opportunities and facility tours.
The Petfood Innovation Workshop is expected to sell-out again and will include the full Pet Food Experience agenda. Space is limited for the hands-on Workshop to the first 100 registrants. The Kansas State Pet Food Experience will also be available as a separate registration, and promises to have additional capacity. Registration and more event details are due to be released in August.
The premiere Petfood Innovation Workshop: Next Generation Treats held April 27, 2015, was the one-day opener for the Petfood Forum 2015 conference and exhibition, with a new hands-on format that spurred registrations to hit maximum capacity months in advance. Registrants were transported to the Kansas State-Olathe Food Innovation Accelerator Lab where they rotated among six different stations and engaged in making different types of pet treats to take home.
“The Petfood Forum team was looking for an opportunity to allow more people to participate in the Innovation Workshop that were previously excluded due to being sold out,” said Debbie Phillips Donaldson, Editor-in-Chief of Petfood Industry. “Our new partnership with the Kansas State Pet Food Program gives us that chance, and also lets us improve it with even more hands-on concepts, plus add new content by showcasing the research activities, facilities and students from the university.”
The Pet Food Program at Kansas State University was started in 2012 and has established degree programs, short courses, and research concerning pet food and nutrition. Kansas State University is a public teaching and research institution founded in 1863 and located in Manhattan, Kansas, USA.