Learn prevention and control strategies for pet food extrusion

An update on how pet food safety is impacted by extruder technology. Sponsored by Extru-Tech.

Strategic critical control point selection


A Greek legend of the late first century BC stated that whoever could untie an intricate knot, known as the Gordian Knot, would come to rule all of Asia. A young Greek king of Macedon is said to have defeated the knot. Some historians claim that he simply took his sword out and cut the knot (hence the phrase “Cutting the Gordian Knot of …” when referring to the solution of an intricate problem).

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What does 'feed grade' mean for pet food ingredients?

AAFCO's new amendment to the existing 'feed grade' definition largely affects livestock feeds. It also may considerably impact the pet food industry.

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Impact of selecting the extruder as CCPs for microbiologicals


Part Two of 'Strategic critical control point selection'

As we continue our deliberation of petfood safety’s Gordian Knot, this issue will discuss the impact of selecting the extruder (specifically the discharge point or die) as the critical control point (CCP) for various microbiologicals (i.e., Salmonella). If we first consider the typical validation constraints of most validation studies, the destruction and survivability of bacteria within a process are measured against time and temperature.

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Novel proteins showcased at Petfood Innovation Workshop

New proteins designed to supplement more natural pet foods were on display at Petfood Innovation Workshop. On April 18, pet food professionals gathered at Kansas State University's Olathe, Kansas, USA, campus for the workshop centered on meat and novel proteins that could be used to improve the shelf life, palatability, nutritional content and other aspects of traditional, extruded pet food as well as freeze-dried, baked and dehydrated treats.

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Creating Ultra-Premium Pet foods: Clearing the hurdles


This webinar will discuss challenges encountered with formulating, sourcing, and prototyping high value products such as High Meat formulas, Limited Ingredient diets, and Grain-Free pet foods with reasonable success of financial success.

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Animal feed preventive control rule classes available

Last year, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) finalized the Current Good Manufacturing Practices and Hazard Analysis and Preventive Controls for Food for Animals rule under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The rule went into effect November 17, 2015.

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Control Strategies for Cross-Contamination in Pet Food Plants


This webinar will cover sources, points of cross-contamination and re-contamination of Salmonella in petfood processing environments, as well as introduce Advanced Oxidation Technology, a novel strategy, as a part of an integrated approach to control this bacterium in petfood manufacturing facilities.

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