Week-long pet food course teaches dog, cat food extrusion

Texas A&M University staff, industry representatives and consultants will teach the Practical Short Course on Feeds and Pet Food Extrusion course.

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A one week Practical Short Course on Feeds and Pet Food Extrusion will be presented by Texas A&M University staff, industry representatives and consultants. The course will run from January 29 to February 3, 2017 at Texas A&M. This is the 27th annual presentation of this course.

One objective of the course is to train production personnel in principles and characteristics of extruders and support systems for effective selection and operation. Another objective is to review current practices for preparation of full fat soy meal, processing raw animal products, preparation of pet foods, aquaculture, poultry and swine feeds. The course will also demonstrate equipment in operation, and familiarize attendees with practical aspects of feeds extrusion technology.

The program will cover information on:

  • Designing new feed mills and selecting conveying, drying, grinding, conditioning and feed mixing equipment;
  • Current practices for pet food extrusion, preparing full-fat soy meal, recycling fisheries by-products, raw animal products, and secondary resources;
  • Extrusion of floating, sinking, and high fat feeds;
  • Spraying and coating fats, digests and preservatives;
  • Use of encapsulated ingredients and preparation of premixes
  • Least cost formulation are reviewed.

Practical demonstration of pet food, vacuum coating and others will be done on four major types of extruders (dry, interrupted flights, single and twin screw), using various shaping dies.

Registration for extrusion course

Reservations are accepted on a first-come basis. The registration fee for the short course and pilot plant demonstrations includes Sunday evening mixer, daily lunch, refreshments at breaks, local transportation, a short course eBook manual and certificates of completion.

Registration fee is US$1650 if paid in full by January 9th, 2016. After this date, registration fee is US$1750. Continuing education units (CEUs) are available for an additional fee upon request. A black and white paper manual/binder is also available upon request for an additional $200 fee.

There is a 10 percent registration discount if three or more individuals from the same organization register for the short course. Academic discounts may be applicable if space is available.

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