The annual three-day short course on Petfood Extrusion Technology will be held again at FôrTek (Centre for Feed Technology) in Norway on May 2-4, 2018. A program on Food & Feed Drying Technology will also be held the previous week on April 26-27.
The courses are organized and presented by Dennis Forte and Gordon Young. The two have been presenting extrusion and related training programs in Australia and the surrounding region, including Thailand, for 20 years. Since 2015, courses on Aquafeed Extrusion, and later Petfood Extrusion and Drying Technology, have been offered in Norway.
Extrusion and drying technology programs
The extrusion program is relevant to both single- and twin-screw extruders. The course presents the theory behind extrusion – which applies to all types – and then shows how to apply that theory to practical processes and products. Sessions cover the design of extrusion processes, and how the formulation affects the extrusion process, with examples demonstrating application of the theory. Principles learned will be applied during the practical demonstration in the FôrTek pilot plant.
The drying program is relevant to all types of food products. Drying is one of the most common operations in food and feed production, being used across virtually every sector/commodity. It is critical to the quality and/or functionality of many products, and it is an energy-intensive process operation, yet it is often poorly understood and inefficient. This short course in Drying Technology combines the practical perspective of industry professionals with the in-depth technical knowledge of drying processes.
The course presenters have published two textbooks, which supplement the training. “Food & Feed Extrusion Technology: An Applied Approach to Extrusion Theory” contains similar yet expanded information as the extrusion courses. A specialized text, “The Design of Food Extrusion Dies,” describes, with worked examples, this complex and important – but often poorly understood – topic.
Other pet food extrusion short courses
Texas A&M University will host its 28th annual practical short course on feeds and pet food extrusion. University staff, industry representatives and consultants will present a one week practical short course on feeds and pet food extrusion January 21-26, 2018 at the university campus.
The program will cover information on designing new feed mills and selecting conveying, drying, grinding, conditioning and feed mixing equipment. Other information to be covered will include: current practices for production of pet foods, preparing full-fat soy meal; recycling fisheries by-products, raw animal products, and secondary resources; extrusion of floating, sinking, and high fat feeds; spraying and coating fats, digests and preservatives; use of encapsulated ingredients and preparation of premixes, and least cost formulation.