Answering your common pet food market questions

Here’s how to find a pet food co-manufacturer, consultant or supplier in our directory, plus where to obtain data and information on the pet food market.

Pet food industry professionals frequently ask about specific market information or how to get help for a business or production issue. | Eric Isselee,, and Xenia800,
Pet food industry professionals frequently ask about specific market information or how to get help for a business or production issue. | Eric Isselee,, and Xenia800,

We often receive questions from pet food industry professionals seeking specific information about the market or how to get help for a business or production issue. Here are some of the most common questions — and, most importantly, where to find the answers.

Can you recommend a manufacturer to make my new pet food or treat? We can’t make recommendations, but we do list many custom and co-manufacturers in the “Directory of product and services” and our online Directory of Suppliers. The listing in this issue was just updated; the online listing may also reflect updates throughout the year.

Can you provide your expertise or insights on X aspect of my business? There are many industry consultants who can offer help and are also listed in the directory and online. In both listings, they are categorized by area of expertise; online, go to the Directory of Suppliers, then click on Services under View by Category.

Where can I find a supplier of X ingredient (or packaging materials, equipment, etc.)? Again, the directory in this issue and online lists hundreds of industry suppliers by category, including specific types of ingredients, processing and packaging equipment, packaging materials and testing and other services.

What is the size of the pet food market? For the most recent market data and information, bookmark the Market Trends page on our website, which is updated nearly every day. Admittedly, there are many articles under that topic, so the best way to find particular data (e.g., by category or region) is to use the search function in the upper right-hand corner: the looking glass symbol in the black bar at the top of the page. Be as specific as possible in the search words you use.

(Note: we frequently receive questions about pet food volume or tonnage sales; that data is very difficult to obtain, so unfortunately, not much is available on our website, either.)

How much pet food does X company sell? Now, that information is readily available! Go to the Top Pet Food Companies database to see the most recent data on more than 100 pet food companies globally (including volume sales for some). There are also historical data reports for sale.

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