Analytic tools give pet food digital marketers greater ability to measure the number of sales generated from visits to a website or promotional campaigns. Mike Black, vice president of global marketing with Profitero, discussed the value of data tools in pet food e-commerce in a video from Petfood Forum.
E-commerce analytics is really about helping you understand how your sales online benchmark against competitors, he said. Analytics helps you answer the questions: Am I doing good for myself? Am I doing good against a category? Once you have those answers, data analysis allows pet food companies to develop tools and insights to help that company understand how to grow sales.
You know as a shopper that one of the great things about online is there’s just so much information, he said, but if your website doesn't have the right information or maybe you have less information than your competitors, that's going to turn shoppers off and not result in conversions to sales.
To know if a pet food e-commerce website is doing its’ job of selling pet food, data analysts use certain metrics.
“One of the most important analytics I see are those that give you an understanding of how your product pages are converting and the traffic you're getting,” he said. “The reason why is because really sales is just a percentage of how many eyeballs are going to your page and how good you are at converting.”
“When I'm a marketer, I look at if we run a campaign ‘how many people am I getting there and if I'm converting?’ Now we have so much more access to analytics that breakdown for every single page on an online website are we converting that and I think that gives marketers a level of precision. If they're doing any kind of campaign, they can say, ‘Wow, this is how much traffic it brought. If it didn't convert, well, we know we’ve got to fix a problem here. We’ve got to make our content better.’”
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