Company to plead guilty in melamine case

ChemNutra Inc., a feed ingredient company, and its owners Stephen and Sally Miller intend to plead guilty in connection to 2007’s melamine-tainted petfood case, according to an article from The Associated Press.

ChemNutra Inc., a feed ingredient company, and its owners Stephen and Sally Miller intend to plead guilty in connection to 2007's melamine-tainted pet food case, according to an article from The Associated Press .

In 2008, the Millers and ChemNutra were charged with selling contaminated ingredients to pet food manufacturers after pets fell ill or died from eating the contaminated pet food.

The Millers' attorney recently filed legal documents in Kansas City, Missouri, USA, which stated the Millers agreed to plead guilty after negotiating with prosecutors. The company will also enter a guilty plea at a hearing June 16, according to the documents.

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