Recall now includes bird food

The recall of petfoods made with peanut products possibly contaminated with Salmonella has been growing since the outbreak started in January and now includes several bird food products, according to an article on

The  recall  of petfoods made with peanut products possibly contaminated with Salmonella has been growing since the outbreak started in January and now includes several bird food products, according to an  article  on .

The latest petfoods added to the recall list include Raisin Suet, Variety Suet 3, Nutty Safari Suet, Variety 15 Pack Suet Multi-pack with 15 suets and the Woodpecket Suet Pack, all made by the Scotts Company; Roasted Feed Grade Peanuts made by Western Trade Group; and several American Health Kennels Inc. products, including numerous varieties of Bark Bars and other dog snacks.

More than 2,100 products have been recalled so far by more than 200 companies in response to the Salmonella Typhimurium outbreak at the Georgia and Texas plants owned by the  Peanut Corp. of America . Hundreds of people have been sickened in the outbreak, and some have died. So far, only one sick dog was reported in Oregon.

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