Mars Petcare, YMCAs team up for Power of Pets program

Mars Petcare launched the Power of Pets program, a new community-focused initiative to help pets and their owners live healthier, happier lives. A recent survey of 1,000 US pet owners conducted by Mars Petcare revealed that more than half of pet owners would prefer to exercise with their pet instead of alone.

Mars Petcare launched the Power of Pets program, a new community-focused initiative to help pets and their owners live healthier, happier lives.

A recent survey of 1,000 US pet owners conducted by Mars Petcare revealed that more than half of pet owners would prefer to exercise with their pet instead of alone. So, Mars Petcare is collaborating with YMCAs in five cities to bring pet-friendly health and physical activity education and programming to communities.

The Power of Pets program will offer family-focused healthy living fairs for pets and people at the following locations:
New York City, USA's YMCA of Prospect Park on Oct. 16; Chicago, USA's Hastings Lake YMCA on Oct. 23; Washington, D.C., USA's YMCA of Silver Spring on Oct. 24; Nashville, Tennessee, USA's Brentwood YMCA on Nov. 6; and Portland, Oregon, USA in spring of 2011.

The Mars Petcare survey also found that improving overall well-being of humans was the main motive for two in three pet owners to get pet. Another incentive for a majority of pet owners to bring an animal home was about a pet's company, as over six in 10 surveyed wanted a pet’s companionship.

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