Starlinger donates 350kg dog food to Vienna animal shelter

Starlinger & Co. Ges.m.b.H. has donated 28 sacks (350kg in total) of dry dog food to the Vienna Society for the Protection of Animals. The sacks known under the trade namePP*STAR were on display as an innovative packaging solution at interpack, held during May 2014 in Dusseldorf.

Starlinger & Co. Ges.m.b.H. has donated 28 sacks (350kg in total) of dry dog food to the Vienna Society for the Protection of Animals. The sacks known under the trade name PP*STAR were on display as an innovative packaging solution at interpack, held during May 2014 in Dusseldorf.

‟Many of the visitors to our exhibit asked us what we were planning to do with the sacks—dog food isn’t exactly cheap," said Stéphane Soudais, head of Starlinger’s Consumer Bags Division. "We had made up our minds not to let it go to waste, and we wanted to see it distributed fairly. So we decided to donate it where it would be needed most. The Vienna SPA provides shelter and rescue to animals in need, and our donation will contribute to that effort."

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