Cargill vegetarian glucosamine determined safe for petfood

Cargill’s Regenasure glucosamine HCl is now generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for use in petfood and/or animal feed for dogs, cats and horses.

Cargill’s Regenasure glucosamine HCl is now generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for use in petfood and/or animal feed for dogs, cats and horses. An independent panel of veterinary experts completed a review of the product’s safety and toxicology data and issued a favorable GRAS opinion.

Regenasure glucosamine is the only GRAS, fully traceable vegetarian glucosamine produced exclusively in the US available for the petfood industry, according to Cargill. The panel determined that Regenasure glucosamine can be safely consumed by dogs, cats and horses under the conditions of its intended use. “Regenasure glucosamine has been a staple of the human dietary supplement and functional food markets for more than a decade,” said Mike Fleagle, Regenasure brand manager at Cargill. “[The] announcement assures petfood manufacturers that they can safely incorporate Regenasure glucosamine in the products they sell to the companion animal joint health market. Numerous scientific studies have been conducted on glucosamine’s impact on joint health in companion animals.”

Regenasure glucosamine is produced by Cargill in Eddyville, Iowa, with all raw materials sourced in North America. It is sold as a dry powder ingredient, packaged in 25 kg boxes or 450 kg super sacks.

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