8 Petfood Industry blogs for May 2017

The Clean Label Project, CBD and ancient grains were among topics covered by Petfood Industry’s bloggers and columnists in May 2017.

photo by Andrea Gantz
photo by Andrea Gantz

In May 2017, bloggers and columnists for Petfood Industry recently shared insights on the Clean Label Project, cannabidiol (CBD) and ancient grains as pet food ingredients, among other topics.

Pet food trends: Are Western consumers ready for insects?

Insects as an ingredient in pet foods are getting a lot of attention these days, due to their high levels of protein balanced by relatively low levels of resources to grow and harvest them.

Q1 pet food industry acquisitions: a microcosm of trends

SDR Ventures recently released its first quarter 2017 analysis of the pet industry. Called 'The Deal Hound,' the report explores mergers and acquisitions, capital market conditions and current industry trends. It was the M&A activity that I found most interesting, as several acquisitions made in the first three months of 2017 show clear support of the current directions various industry segments are taking.

Clean label rating site misleading to pet food consumers

We probably didn't need surveys to know that consumers want to see clean labels on the pet food - not to mention human food - they consider purchasing.

Beyond grain free: ancient grains of wheat in dog and cat diets

Ancient grains from the wheat tribe including Einkorn, Emmer, Kamut and Spelt could be a novel addition to pet foods.

Kibble vs. can: Why pet owners favor dry pet food (Part 1)

Learn about two assumptions and one preference that cause pet owners to prefer dry pet food formulations over wet or canned foods.

CBD: popular in pet treats, won't fly in pet foods (yet)

A newer pet food product category getting a lot of buzz at US pet trade shows the past two years has been pet treats and supplements featuring cannabidiol (CBD). Sorry for the bad pun; this oil derives from the hemp plant, though a different species than ones containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana responsible for the psychoactive reaction, or high (buzz), in people or animals who imbibe it.

What 'Pet Fooled' gets right about consumer confusion

Though the new documentary claiming to 'expose' the pet food industry's unwillingness to communicate the truth gets a lot wrong, it does pin down one facet of consumers the industry has been aware of for some time.

The Clean Label Project rates pet foods

Learn what the Clean Label Project is and how it may affect dog and cat food labels by potentially creating a new ratings system for the pet food industry.

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