Leiber strives for ZNU standard for 2022

Leiber strives for ZNU standard for 2022.

Sustainability is one of the core concepts behind production at Leiber: refining brewersā€™ yeast into innovative products for people and animals. To continue this upcycling into the future, Leiber has decided to have its German production sites certified according to the ZNU Standard for Driving Sustainable Change in the future. The decision is aimed at preserving resources, using energy efficiently and taking economic, ecological and social aspects into account in equal measure.

The ZNU Standard encourages and requires companies to develop an individual, integrated management system for sustainable business management. The standard was established by the Centre for Sustainable Leadership at the University of Witten/Herdecke and undergoes regular review by independent auditors.

The practical and integrated approach has inspired Leiber to use the standard for its own production and begin external certification for 2022. To this end, the medium-sized enterprise has set up an in-house sustainability team and brought Fjol GmbH on board to support it on its journey to certification.

One milestone has already been achieved: the first corporate carbon footprint for 2020, which records the companyā€™s current CO2 emissions for inventory purposes. In future, changes such as the use of renewable energy for production will be able to be measured on this standardised basis.

Furthermore, employees are able to make an active contribution with their own suggestions for improvements through Leiberā€™s new internal suggestion scheme. ā€˜The many knowledgeable suggestions made by our colleagues show just how important sustainability is internally,ā€™ says Dietmar Vahle, head of quality management and sustainability manager at Leiber. ā€˜We look forward to implementing the first very good suggestions for improvement immediatelyā€“for us, our customers and suppliers.ā€™

The next goal is to obtain the ZNU Standard at the start of 2022 as part of external certification. Afterwards, it will remain the companyā€™s task to implement further improvements on an ongoing basis.


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