11 top pet food companies in Asia and Australia 2020

Among companies based in Asia or Australia, these pet food producers had the highest annual revenue in 2020, according to Petfood Industry’s Top Companies Current Data.

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Photo by Alma J. Buelva
Photo by Alma J. Buelva

Among companies based in Asia or Australia, the pet food producers listed below had the highest annual revenue in 2020, according to Petfood Industry’s Top Companies Current Data. The majority of these companies have headquarters in Japan, with others in Thailand, Australia and South Korea.

Asia and Australia include a wide range of pet food markets with individual consumer demand trends. For example, until a few decades ago, many in South Korea considered cats as little more than vermin, Sunny Moon, food and nutrition consultant with Euromonitor International, told Petfood Industry in a previous article. Similarly, dogs occupied a lower role in society than they do now. However, changing attitudes about dogs and cats have created an opportunity for economy-priced pet foods in South Korea, especially for domestic brands.

In other previous Petfood Industry journalism, a report on Japan's pet food market by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) underscored Japan's growing demand for super high-quality pet food as well as for specialized healthy and therapeutic pet foods labeled as sickness prevention, allergen-free, vitamins/supplements fortified, gluten-free, low in carbohydrates, high in protein and more.

Thailand is banking on the continued growth of their pet food exports to help shore up their economy in 2021 against the pandemic doldrums.

The Ministry of Commerce’s Trade Policy and Strategy Office expects the exports of pet food, along with canned goods, rice, computers and medical products to combat COVID-19 to grow and help the country's exports gain 4% in 2021 after a contraction of up to 7% in 2020 largely due to the pandemic. With that drop, Thailand's 2020 exports totaled US$238 billion.

11 top pet food companies in Asia and Australia

1. Unicharm Corp. – Japan

  • Annual revenue 2020 - US$822,000,000
  • Brands: Grand Deli and Best Balance (dogs); Gin no Spoon and Gin no Spoon Mitsuboshi (cats)
  • Employees: 16,300

2. Thai Union Group - Thailand      

  • Annual revenue 2020 - US$618,000,000
  • Brands: Bellotta, Marvo, Calico Bay, Paramount

3. Jeil Feed - South Korea 

  • Annual revenue 2020 - US$534,720,000
  • Brands: PuongMi, Gozip, Ideal Recepe, ChouChou, Dog Mania, NutriWell, Wonder, Full of Nature, Full of Meet      
  • Employees: 364

4. Real Pet Food Company - Australia         

  • Annual revenue 2020 - US$500,000,000
  • Brands: Nature’s Gift, Nature’s Goodness, Tucker Time, Dr B’s BARF, Billy + Margot, Ivory Coat, Fussy Cat, V.I.P. Petfoods and Farmers Market, Trilogy             
  • Employees: 900

5. Perfect Companion Group Co. - Thailand             

  • Annual revenue 2020 - US$428,000,000
  • Brands: SmartHeart, Me-O, LuvCare, Classic Pets, A Pro, IQ, MaxWin, Optimum, Rabbit Diet, Briter Bunny       
  • Employees: 3,800

6. Petline Ltd. - Japan

  • Annual revenue 2020 - US$250,000,000
  • Brands: Medycoat, Medyfas, Canet, Professional Balance, JP Style, Carat, Kaiseki 
  • Employees: 105

7. Inaba Petfood - Japan   

  • Annual revenue 2021 - US$245,880,000
  • Brands: CIAO, TOROMI, TWINS. L Cup, Maruuo, Wagamama-Neko, Kin no Dashi, Maehama no sakana, Wan, INABA            
  • Employees: 48

8. Maruha Nichiro Corporation - Japan      

  • Annual revenue 2020 - US$235,000,000
  • Brands: Miaw Miaw, Kin-can, Yaizu-no-Maguro, Jun-can, Kenko-can, Kuro-can, Kingfisher, Dog Mom, Cat Mom

9. DoggyMan H.A. Co., Ltd. - Japan

  • Annual revenue 2020 - US$184,600,000
  • Brands: DoggyMan, CattyMan, MinianiMan       
  • Employees: 199

10. Nisshin Pet Food Inc. - Japan     

  • Annual revenue 2020 - US$123,110,000               
  • Employees: 6

11. Nippon Pet Food Co. - Japan      

  • Annual revenue 2020 - US$105,510,000
  • Brands: Dog food -Vita One, Combo, Beauty Pro, Lacine, Gotouchi, Meguri Cat food - Mio, Combo, Beauty Pro, Lacine Reptile amphibian food - Angel, Swimmy, Charmy, Queen Chan 
  • Employees: 132

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The information is sold as a downloadable spreadsheet, allowing customers to sort, filter and analyze the data to suit your specific needs. Data points include, where available, mailing address, type of products offered, brands, number of employees, number of facilities and annual sales from 2017-2020. The companies are ranked by 2020 revenue.

Participate in the Top Pet Food Companies survey

The Petfood Industry Top Pet Food Companies project annually surveys pet food companies, always with an aim of expanding the reach and scope of the companies within the rankings. To be considered for inclusion in the yearly rankings, please contact [email protected]. The data is gathered each year through a variety of methods, including direct company contact (a survey is emailed to participating companies), in-depth research and estimates.

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