Wellness ranked top cat, dog food brand among Pet Sitters International members

Pet Sitters International’s recent State of the Industry Survey polled more than 7,000 member businesses on several of the professional pet care industry’s product preferences, including cat and dog foods. The top-ranking dog food brand among PSI’s professional pet sitter members was Wellness. Purina ProPlan placed second and Science Diet ranked third.

Pet Sitters International’s recent State of the Industry Survey polled more than 7,000 member businesses on several of the professional pet care industry’s product preferences, including cat and dog foods.

The top-ranking dog food brand among PSI’s professional pet sitter members was Wellness. Purina ProPlan placed second and Science Diet ranked third. The preferred dog chew among PSI pet sitters was Nylabone, followed by Greenies and rawhide chews, of no particular brand. For cat foods, PSI members also preferred Wellness brand. Science Diet ranked second and Purina ranked third.

The majority of professional pet sitters said they shop for their pet products at a retail store, though online shopping continues to gain ground.

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