Pet insurance provider Trupanion is expanding coverage for a variety of previously excluded treatment options such as therapeutic petfood, pet supplements, mobility devices, alternative therapies, feline kidney transplants and special disorders associated with working pets.
Trupanion expanded its coverage for these treatment options, once considered unconventional, because of veterinary advancements making the treatments more common.
“We always want to give the pet owner the freedom to pursue the best course of treatment for their pet.” said Darryl Rawlings, CEO at Trupanion. “So, we are happy to be able to expand our scope of coverage to include these new options that are becoming more commonplace.”
Core Trupanion coverage now includes half the cost of therapeutic petfoods purchased through a veterinarian to assist in care of a pet for two months, as well as nutritional supplements purchased through a veterinarian for treatment of an illness or injury. Previously, these foods and supplements were an out-of-pocket expense for pet owners, but Trupanion says its policyholders will now be able to recover these costs in their core coverage.
“Working pets often provide a great service to their owners and these owners want to protect them as best they can,” said Rawlings. “We are happy to now be able to offer these pet owners the peace of mind that if their pet becomes sick or injured, their treatment is covered.”