The Petfood Forum 2017 content advisory board is seeking abstracts for noncommercial oral presentations, due September 30, 2016.
Petfood Forum 2017 is scheduled for April 3-5 at the Kansas City Convention Center in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Being reviewed are abstracts for technical sessions focusing on:
- New research on companion animal nutrition;
- Novel ingredients and their potential applications in pet food or treat formulations;
- Data, trends and predictions for the pet food market, including opportunities for innovation;
- New retailing information pertinent to the selling or distribution of pet food;
- New information or ideas for marketing pet food, including via social media;
- New information, techniques or processes for new product development;
- Update on regulatory information relevant to pet food in the US or other markets;
- New research, technology or processes for pet food production;
- New research, technology or other information on pet food packaging;
- New, specific information on one focused aspect of pet food safety (no general overviews of regulations or pet food safety programs).
All abstracts/topics submitted should be exclusive to Petfood Forum 2017. An advisory board of pet food industry experts will evaluate all submissions for relevance of topic; originality and presence of new or innovative information, concepts or research; proposed speaker’s experience or background with the topic, as well as previous speaking experience; and lack of commercialization or promotion.
For complete information and the link to submit, visit the Petfood Forum website.