National Renderers Association announces communications director

The National Renderers Association (NRA) is pleased to announce Anna Wilkinson as the organization’s Director of Communications.

The National Renderers Association (NRA) is pleased to announce Anna Wilkinson as the organization’s Director of Communications.

Wilkinson will manage all internal and public NRA communications, public relations, and marketing for the association and serve as Communications Director for the Fats and Proteins Research Foundation (FPRF), the rendering industry’s research arm.

“Anna brings important skills and experience to her role at the NRA,” said Nancy Foster, the National Rendering Association’s president & CEO. “She will be responsible for developing and advocating the sustainability brand of the rendering industry through work with media, association members and our stakeholders. She will also promote research discoveries of the FPRF so renderers can adopt new technologies, reduce costs, and benefit from new markets.”

A seasoned communicator with broad public relations and marketing expertise, Wilkinson brings experience from the waste, recycling, and single stream recycling processing industries that will be an asset to grow the rendering industry’s message of sustainability.

"It's a privilege to be working with the NRA," Wilkinson said. "The rendering industry has an important sustainability story to tell. I look forward to educating the public and customers on the environmental benefits of rendering."

Wilkinson is a regular contributor to local print and online publications with several published articles to her name. She has been interviewed on NPR and quoted in publications and media outlets, including The Huffington Post, The Washington Post, and ABC news.

Wilkinson received a B.A. degree in communications from Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia. She is a 28 year Northern Virginia resident.

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