Brazil and Peru hold roundtable

Brazil and Peru investors set sights on future growth of the international pet sector.

Brazilian and Peruvian businesses estimate that they will generate US $682 thousand (about BRL 3.5 million) in the international pet sector business in one year. The estimate was made by companies from both countries participating in a business roundtable between Brazil and Peru.

The information comes from the IPB (Instituto Pet Brasil), an institution that has been encouraging the development of the Brazilian pet sector for nine years. The online meeting, held on August 18 with the participation of eight Brazilian and five Peruvian companies, was part of the Pet Brasil Sectorial Project, in partnership with ApexBrasil (Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos).

“The business roundtables were very well received, and new commercial relationships in the pet area were established between Brazil and Peru. In the short term, with deals closed or to be closed, these companies estimate a turnover of US$ 174 thousand, or around BRL 890 thousand," said Nelo Marraccini, president of the IPB Advisory Board.

Brazilian companies BossPet, Dalquim, Durapets, Furacão Pet, Mabuu, Nutrivale, PetMaxx and Special Dog were present at the meeting, as well as Peruvian companies Batillana, Especialidades Veterinarias, Phamek, Representaciones Durand and Solvet Peru.


The Pet Brasil Sectorial Project offers guidance to companies interested in exporting their products and services, as well as promoting the Brazilian pet sector through trade missions, business roundtables, Brazilian delegations at international fairs, among other tools. Countries such as Argentina, Colombia, Peru, China and the United Arab Emirates are among the focuses of the business roundtables in the project calendar in 2022.

The fair calendar began in March, at Global Pet Expo, in Orlando (USA), with the intermediation of Brazilian companies for the event. China Feed is also part of the calendar (September in China) and the International Pet Meeting (November in Brazil).

Brazilian companies can express interest in participating in the international actions promoted by the IPB by filling out the form at this link:<,1,rFhJKaghdzr4F3NsTFlNT3lH0Z1rzr8VnXF0crZM4aI32U7U7gtEnbSKO6c8mq6otuJsoEi3vpSRF2yMiKvwBv2yEUT8sEk8iNC8B4_sLKhuVSBy-MAF-OI,&typo=1>.  In addition to participating in exclusive events, participants in the Pet Brasil Sectorial Project have benefits such as the fair floor, coordination of stand assembly and event coordination.




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