Alliance Freeze Dry Group (AFD Group) achieved a new milestone by hosting the groundbreaking ceremony of AFD Group’s third freeze-dried pet food factory in the city of Lynden, Washington State.
Participating in the ceremony were officials from the city of Lynden and the port of Bellingham, as well as Washington State, AFD Group’s major client representatives, local business leaders, engineering professionals and the general contractor. This new plant is not only the AFD Group’s largest facility expansion to-date, but also one of the largest freeze-dried pet food factories in North America. The 200,000-square-foot building features a freezer, a pre-processing area, a freeze-drying section, a packaging area and an automated storage and retrieval system warehouse.
The new plant will adopt advanced processing technologies and fully automated production lines, which will make it a highly efficient and flexible digital plant, ready for future intelligent manufacture. The new factory is planned to be operational in 2024 and will provide 4,000 metric tons of annual production capacity. The new factory is named “Canature Kitchen Lynden” and will create 74 new job opportunities.