5 Petfood Industry blogs, columns in August 2023

In August 2023, Petfood Industry’s staff and contributors wrote 5 blogs and columns. These articles covered top pet food alternative formats, human-pet food crossovers, inflation and more.

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Red Border Collie Running

Will ‘alternative’ pet food formats ever break through?

August 4, 2023 — Debbie Phillips-Donaldson
For several years now, the fastest growing pet foods have been the so-called alternative formats, such as freeze-dried, frozen and dehydrated. And yet that growth has applied to very small subcategories, and even after those multiple years of double-digit sales increases, these segments remain relatively tiny.

August 9, 2023 — Debbie Phillips-Donaldson
Names like Cuisinart and Keurig are familiar to most consumers, especially ones who cook and drink coffee. But neither name is one you would normally associate with pet food — at least, not until recently.

August 17, 2023 — Debbie Phillips-Donaldson
Consumer prices and business costs are not subject to the laws of gravity, but fortunately, the adage “what goes up, must come down” seems to be applying to U.S. pet food prices, both retail and producer. They both recorded consecutive months of declines in July 2023.

August 23, 2023 — Debbie Phillips-Donaldson
Though prices for pet food and many other products have started to fall in most markets, consumers worldwide are still trying to make ends meet under the cloud of higher inflation in most fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) categories, including the groceries and other food they buy for their human and furry family members. In fact, as of mid-2023, global consumers were spending 18% more on average than in 2021, according to new data from NielsenIQ — meaning their purchasing power has significantly decreased.

August 29, 2023 — Debbie Phillips-Donaldson
In the U.S. pet food market, private label has traditionally lagged behind not just branded products but also the private label pet food category in much of the rest of the world, especially regions like Europe.

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