Pet dog wins slimming down crown

A formerly porky Labrador has been crowned the UK's best slimming pet by a veterinary charity after shedding 22 pounds according to an article on BBC News.

A formerly porky Labrador has been crowned the United Kingdom's (UK) best slimming pet by a veterinary charity after shedding 22 pounds, according to an  article  on  BBC News .

Keano, from Plymouth, England, UK, was so overweight at 101.4 pounds, he could not roll over on his back before joining the  People's Dispensary for Sick Animals  (PDSA) scheme.

Five obese dogs and one cat completed PDSA's 100-day diet and fitness program, devised by vets.

The charity said canine obesity rose by 9% in the last year, which can cause potentially fatal conditions.

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