The scientists and pet experts at Purina are searching for passionate researchers interested in studying the bond between pets and people as part of its bi-annual Purina Sponsorship for Human-Animal Bond Studies program. The Purina Research and Development team will provide up to $30,000 in grant funding per project to scientists interested in furthering the collective understanding of the amazing impact that pets have on our lives. Applicants have until July 15, 2021 to submit their research proposals.
Purina is seeking proposals that specifically look to study the following aspects of the human-animal, or people and pet, bond:
· Benefits of adopting shelter pets and of volunteering at pet shelters
· Pet and human physical health and well-being
· Pets and child/adult literacy
· Animal-assisted therapy to destigmatize mental health
· Pets in abusive relationships and the impact of allowing pets at domestic violence shelters
· Therapy dogs and youth struggling with physical, emotional and mental challenges
· Pets and youth: self-awareness and empathy development, and stress and emotion management
· Pets and post-traumatic stress disorders, phobias and anxiety
· Using pets in counseling/therapy setting
· Pets helping hospitalized patients and the homeless
The Purina Sponsorship for Human-Animal Bond Studies provides research funding to applicants affiliated with (but not limited to) universities, foundations, charities, and NGOs. Applicants may request up to $30,000 USD per proposal. All proposed research must use non-invasive methods in alignment with Purina's commitment to putting the health and wellbeing of pets first in science and in life. Preference will be given to applications from recently qualified researchers with no more than 10 years since award of Ph.D. or start of researcher career.
"Science is the foundation of Purina, and it's important for us to not only support the advancement of scientific understanding of cats and dogs within our walls, but to contribute to the broader understanding of pet wellness and the bond we share so that all pet owners can benefit," said François Martin, M.A., Ph.D., Applied behavior and welfare research section leader at Purina.
Purina has more than 500 pet nutrition and behavior scientists, veterinarians, and other credentialed pet experts on staff. Each year, Purina invests more than $100 million in research that has led to incredible breakthroughs and innovations to help pets live longer, healthier lives. Researchers interested in learning more and applying can visit The deadline to apply is July 15, 2021.