Wisdom Health Genetics releases results of 2020 Pet Census survey

Wisdom Health Genetics releases results of 2020 Pet Census survey.

Wisdom Health Genetics, the world's leader in pet genetics and maker of Wisdom Panel dog DNA tests, announced the results of the 2020 Pet Census survey today. The census provides a unique snapshot of the lives of dogs, cats, and their people across the U.S.

“In the last ten years, our pets have undergone an incredible lifestyle evolution. And they now play a central role in our own lives—whether they’re improving our mental health especially in these unique times or sharing a spot in our beds.”

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More than 13,000 pet parents responded to the 2020 Pet Census survey, representing nearly 25,000 dogs and more than 6,000 cats. Their answers reveal that pets continue to be our family—that we humans share an ever-tighter bond with our beloved dogs and cats.

[View the Pet Census results infographic here]

Then and Now: Changes in pet parenting over the past ten years 

In 2010, Wisdom Health Genetics’ Mutt Census focused solely on mixed-breed dogs; now, a decade later, the 2020 Pet Census survey includes all dogs—purebred and mixed-breed alike—and offers insight into the pet-human relationship.

·       The Rise in Rescuing: Dog adoption has increased by more than 16% since 2010; now, in 2020, nearly 63% of pet parents surveyed adopted their pup and 51% adopted their cat from a shelter or rescue.

·       Together We Snooze: Pets have solidified their status as family members—the most common spot for both dogs and cats to sleep is in bed with their humans.

·       Mental Health Impact: 99% of dog parents and 96% of cat parents said their pet has a positive impact on their mental health. The activities pet parents enjoy most with their dogs and cats are snuggling and playing, and 75% of pet parents listed companionship as the top reason for getting their pets.

·       Joys of Missing Out: The bond with pets is so strong that 72% of dog parents and 32% of cat parents admit they’ve canceled plans to spend time with their pets.

·       #PetObsessed: Over half of pet parents post about their pets at least a few times a month, and more than 17% of pets even have their own social media accounts.

·       Pets are Family: 64% of pet parents view their dog or cat as a child or family member.

“The Pet Census results reveal that pet parents across the U.S. increasingly think of their animals as family. The bond we share with our dogs and cats rank among our most important relationships,” said Audrey Yoo, General Manager at Wisdom Health Genetics, a segment of Kinship. “In the last ten years, our pets have undergone an incredible lifestyle evolution. And they now play a central role in our own lives—whether they’re improving our mental health especially in these unique times or sharing a spot in our beds.”

Pet genetic testing, 2010 vs. 2020 

Between 2007 and 2010, the DNA database behind Wisdom Panel tests logged 57,453 DNA samples. Technological capabilities have since advanced, and the Wisdom Health Genetics DNA database now contains more than two million dog DNA samples worldwide.

When it comes to DNA tests, the 2020 survey revealed a stark difference between dog and cat DNA testing: 66.6% of dog parents have done a DNA test for their pet, while only 1.6% of cat parents have. The majority of dog parents were motivated primarily by curiosity. But both dog and cat parents indicated a desire to better understand their pets. Improving potential health outcomes were cited as additional motivators.

Wisdom Panel dog DNA tests—from the world’s leading dog DNA service—help pet parents plan better, care smarter, and love longer.



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