6 Petfood Industry blogs, columns in September 2023

In September 2023, Petfood Industry’s staff and contributors wrote 6 blogs and columns. These articles covered the supply chain, inflation, cat adoption rates, pet food science and more.

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Yellow Cat Lounging Sofa

Pet food science — Leading the way to healthier pets

September 4, 2023 — George Collings, Ph.D.

Dr. George Collings discusses the very real pitfalls of putting scientific research and reactive opinions on the same level of validity in pet food.

It’s raining kittens: Cat adoption in the spotlight

September 5, 2023 — David Sprinkle

Learn about current trends in cat adoption, including a comparison to dog adoptions and a focus on kittens.

How dog owners in five developed countries feed their pets

September 7, 2023 — Debbie Phillips-Donaldson

A new survey of dog owners in Europe and North America shows product quality and nutritional intake are important, while dry food and treats are popular.

Pet food inflation keeps trending positive

September 14, 2023 — Debbie Phillips-Donaldson

Pet food inflation in the U.S. year over year dropped nearly 2 percentage points in August 2023 from the month before, mirroring declines in human food.

Does PPI stability mean pet food supply chain is steadying?

September 21, 2023 — Debbie Phillips-Donaldson

The U.S. pet food producer price index continues to fall, which may mean the supply chain is smoothing out. Learn how bad one producer’s supply issues became.

‘Secret recipe’: 3 steps to uncover pet food safety issues

September 28, 2023 — Debbie Phillips-Donaldson

Listen, ask and look: A recipe any pet food plant operator, safety or quality manager can use to determine the root cause of a safety problem.

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