The "Pet Population and Ownership Trends in the U.S., 6th Edition" report has been added to's offering.
In the wake of COVID-19, pet ownership rates in the U.S. have plateaued. The percentage of U.S. households owning pets slipped slightly from 54% in 2018 to 52% in 2022, for a current total of 68 million pet-owning households.
The analysis in this report also covers demographic changes from pre-COVID 2017 to post-COVID 2022 in the key pet owner variables of gender(s) in household, generational cohort, race/ethnicity, household income, household composition by marital status and presence/absence of children and type of residence.
There is no debate over a pandemic-fueled spike in pet care spending in recent years, and a pet adoption bump did occur in response to the sudden stay-at-home/work-from-home dynamics of this COVID-19 era. Nonetheless, as detailed in this report from the publisher, the peak years of pet population gains occurred in the middle of the past decade, rather than post-COVID in the early 2020s.
Focusing on dogs and cats, "Pet Population and Ownership Trends in the U.S." provides a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of pet ownership rates, pet population characteristics and pet owner demographics. This report also provides topline coverage of ownership rates for other types of pets (fish, small mammals, herptiles and birds).
In addition to laying out key pet owner psychographics and their market implications, this report covers post-pandemic pet acquisition trends by nature of pet adoption (planned, impulse, gift), type of pet, source of pet adoption or acquisition, age of dogs or cats adopted and size of dogs adopted.
This report includes numerous detailed tables showing historically trended household ownership rates and pet-owner demographics across several metrics:
- by ownership of dogs/and or cats and dogs as well as cats
- by number of dogs or cats owned
- by age of dogs or cats owned
- by size (lbs) of dogs owned